Fir Ends Primary School

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Fir Ends Primary School

Be the best you can be

  3. Homework


We think homework should be practical, shared and at least vaguely fun to complete.

Homework is typically intended to be completed with other people; a parent, grandparent, sibling or friend. Being able to learn alongside others, and share strategies and ideas is an important part of developing as a resilient learner.

Class teachers will decide on appropriate homework tasks within each classroom, but there are some common themes that parents can support at home across all classes.



Maths is important. Beyond the basics of knowing number bonds and times tables, there are lots of different areas that you need to practice in order to become a fluent mathematician. You can see how basic skills develop during primary school here.

We believe that it's better if you choose the things you need to practice, rather than all doing the same things. That way, you can spend the time learning the things YOU need to learn.

One of the most beneficial things children can do as a homework task is to become fluent in basic maths facts.

 Number bonds to 10,20,50,100,500, 1000...

As children progress through school, they need to be able to rapidly calculate by using number bonds within mental and written addition and subtraction - which also for a central part of written multiplication and division. Start with what adds together to make ten in EYFS, and by year 5 they should be able to confidently and quickly tell you what to add to 745 to make 1000*.

Times tables

Another critical part of any mathematician's toolkit, which is why there is now a statutory national test in year 4! In the test children are given 6 seconds (!) to read, calculate and type the answer to 25 tables questions against the clock. 

  • Start in year 1&2  with 2x, 5x, 10x
  • In year 3, practice 3x, 4x, 8x
  • In year 4, cover 6x, 7x, 9,x, 11x, 12x

Speed and accuracy are the key.

All KS2 Pupils have access to Times Tables Rockstars to practice. 

Find out more about why times tables are crucial here

KS2 - White Rose Maths Practice Journals 

New for 2024, to accompany our switch to White Rose as the school-wide scheme. These workbooks match the classroom curriculum and offer plenty of useful practice and consolidation, as well as an opportunity for parents to get a better idea of what the modern primary maths curriculum actually involves!



*it's 255



You should read anything and everything.

Teachers will make sure you always have an age-appropriate book on the go

We expect pupils to read for at least fifteen minutes a day at home, preferably to/with an adult.

We subscribe to 'Storytime' for use in school. They have a fantastic 'Parent Pack' and home subscription offer. Details here.


We use Monster Phonics across EYFS and KS1. Follow the link below to find out more about the programme.

As well as information 'about phonics' there is an option to sign up for a home user account too. 

Aslo worth a look is Mr Thorne Does Phonics on Youtube - he'll help you understand how the graphemes and phonemes go together!


It's good to share

You should read aloud to others

Or even to your teddy bear!

And remember:  everything is interesting, even the stuff you're not interested in - and reading will help you to learn about (almost) anything!


Each class has a slightly different way of dealing with spelling homework, but above all it's important to practice by using the words you learn, otherwise you'll just forget how to spell them again.

Use the LOOK-COVER-WRITE-CHECK approach to help to embed the spelling patterns in your mind. 



Occasionally, your teacher might give you some options and ideas for a topical project. Choose the one you think you'll be able to do best - or that might be most challenging - and do your best to be creative.

You'll need to come up with a PLAN, then manage your time and negotiate with helpers to get the best results!