Fir Ends Primary School

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Smithfield, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 6AY

01228 675283

Fir Ends Primary School

Be the best you can be


Where better to become the best you can be?

Fir Ends Primary School is a small school, which feels much bigger on the inside!

With typical cohorts of 15 pupils or fewer, we are able to offer pupils a small school ethos, whilst having the flexibility to offer big school experiences. 

Our curriculum reflects our desire to develop rounded individuals with a focused approach to the basics complemented by access to outdoor learning, arts, crafts and sports activities, reflecting our ambition to help pupils develop as curious, confident and independent learners.

Our aim is to encourage and support all pupils to achieve academically, and to meet the challenges and expectations of the primary curriculum - but we also recognise that there are 'other ways to win' at school, and there is more to our provision than just readin', writin' and 'rithmetic.  You can see our Ethos and Vision statement here.

Pupils can join us from the age of three and benefit from our caring and encouraging ethos until it's time to head off to secondary school at the end of Year 6.

Find out more about us by following the links below and can find more links in the navigation bar (there is a drop down on 'School information')