Last update: 2023-10-12

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The latest newsletter is available for download below below with the text accompanying it in the App to the left (below it on smartphones)

(note: you can click the green title of each newsletter to load the corresponding attachment) 

Covid, colds and sickness bugs

Latest Newsletters

  • 21 Feb 2024
    Things - Spring B (Feb 2024)

    With the start of the second half of Spring, an update on the Arbor transition and key dates for parents to be aware of this half-term.

  • 21 Feb 2024
    February 2023

    February's newsletter includes guidance for parents on:
    Mobile phone parental controls
    Playstation network
    Snapchat changes
    Links to advice for making the internet safer for children under 5

    All our monthly newsletters and other E-safety guidance can be found at:

  • 21 Feb 2024
    January 2024

    January's newsletter includes guidance for parents on:
    Setting up security on new devices
    LEGO Fortnite

  • 21 Feb 2024
    Dec 2023

    December's newsletter includes guidance for parents on:
    App age ratings
    Toxic gameplay

  • 01 Nov 2023
    Online Safety newsletter - November 2023

    Click for the monthly online safety newsletter.

    This month covers useful information for making Playstation online gaming, Roblox, Tik Tok and Whatsapp safer for children.

  • 12 Oct 2023
    Things - Week 5 ...or 6

    After a midweek start to the term, is this week 5.5 or week 6? Either way, there's only one to go until half term, and we're already around 14% of the way through the school year!

    This week's newsletter refreshes the calendar dates to the end of term and gives details of what's happening next with our transfer to a new data management system.

    Our move to the Arbor system will continue throughout the Autumn term as we gradually switch on new features and move to these from services like ParentPay. Even this School Jotter app will become slightly redundant since we ought to be able to distribute newsletters digitally direct to parents in the Arbor parent app.

  • 29 Sep 2023
    October 2023 - Online Safety newsletter

    In this edition:
    Children and livestreams
    Parental controls for popular games consoles
    Online gaming
    Lloyds Bank money management resources for children

  • 08 Sep 2023
    Week 1- updates and information

    Despite feeling a little salty that the good weather waited until THIS week to appear, it's been a fantastic help in making the first three days go well in school.
    Children have quickly settled into new classes and familiar routines, as well as some changes.

    A key change to the day has been to return to our pre-pandemic lunch hour, which has necessitated some juggling to get everyone through service and seated promptly. We were thrilled to be told that we'd been successful in applying for funding from the Hallburn Windfarm for new dining room tables at the start of this week (the existing ones date back to at least 2001). New tables that will offer more seating are now on order and expected by the end of this half term.

    The attached newsletter covers some information updates, and particularly an increase in the days when PE will be happening and how we're hoping to simplify that tricky 'what do they need to wear?' conundrum that faces parents!

    Please remember that the school website is regularly updated and includes information on everything you ought to know about school-life. In particular, there is a 'parent information handbook' that you are advised to read at least annually - termly would be even better - to remind yourself of routines and expectations.

    have a great weekend, conscious that these may be the last throes of the Great British Summer, and we'll see everyone on Monday to make a start proper!

    Mr Spencer

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